ATDO exam, paper & solution 2021

About ATDO (Assistant Tribal Development Officer) 

The ATDO examination is conducted in by GSSSB. Which takes place almost every year. Candidates who pass this are given government jobs from Gujarat government.

ATDO exam marks calculation 

In the ATDO exam there are 150 questions. Which are MCQs type questions. Each question has 1 mark, and 0.33 marks are deducted for each false answer. This is how merit is made. And in this, the candidates comes top in merit are called for the main written examination.

The complete paper of ATDO exam taken today and its solution is given below.

ATDO paper solution

The complete paper of ATDO (Assistant Tribal Development Officer) examination and its solution is given below. Candidates who have appeared for the examination can count their marks by comparing the answers.

Click here to download ATDO final answer key

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